solving issues within a step-family

Getting it Right so it Doesn’t Go Wrong: About blended families
At Be StepWise we believe that with the right guidance and information it is entirely possible for a step-parent to change their home experience and that of their family to a better one. What is not often appreciated is that step-families are very different from other family types in a number of fundamental ways. Step-families can have big problems and issues not often understood before you enter them. Left unaddressed, step-families can remain a problem without end. It takes a change of approach in you and in your understanding to make the difference. Be StepWise help step-families bring wisdom to step-parenting and so change their future. Be StepWise help step-families and step-parents help themselves so they can get it right so it doesn’t go wrong.
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3 email exchanges to answer your step-family question. Send me an email about your situation. Tell me about your step-family, how the problem situation developed, what you have tried, and ask your question I will respond. Response time is approximately one week, although can be higher during periods of high demand.
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We meet the individual step-parent, (one to one) or the step-parent and their partner (Couples) The step-parent and their step-child, (Couples), or entire families, or family sub-sets.(family).
A single session may be all that is required. Or we can offer a series of sessions once per month or so. Or maybe you’d prefer to arrange sessions as and when needed on demand. Any of these options are possible, the choice is yours.
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Alison O'Mahony's latest book is now published!
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Managing change in step-families
by Kim Revell
An important, yet often over looked, topic when bringing two different families together to form a new one. Kim looks at family traditions, routines and rituals and explains the importance of the meaning of these to each family member. Discover how to incorporate these into you new family.

First Steps. The challenge of relationships with step-children
By Alison O'mahony
Embarking on a new relationship with the children of your new partner can be daunting. As you become more involved with your partner and his or her children, the children (even adult ones!) can pull away. Alison explains how to read the tell-tale signs that show us that our step-children realise we have arrived, and gives us guidance on what to do about it. This book addresses this little-talked-about topic deftly and succinctly, giving us a wealth of valuable information and practical advice.

Let's talk - Meeting as a step-family
By Alison O'mahony
Is an imaginative book that inspires us to manage our step-families proactively. It encourages us to develop systems around family life so we can get on with living and enjoying home. “Let the system carry the load” is a mantra that allows those difficult things about living with others to be spoken about instead of being left unsaid. The book is bursting with useful strategies. An essential read for any step-family.
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